Thursday 23 January 2014

The Bible - Part 1

There are a number of reasons why have have chosen to write about the Bible.

1. I've been thinking about writing about the Bible for some time. 

2. I was once at a meeting in a retreat house with a bunch of Christians and we were all asked to bring something important to us and share it with the group. Understandably there was a varied collection of stuff and some amazing stories.

A childhood teddy bear, a treasured family photo, a painting.

I took my Bible. Apparently most of my friends had guessed that that is what I would take.
I explained that the Bible was the one "thing" that I couldn't live without.

3 Sadly I've met a number of Christians who struggle with the Bible.

They find it difficult to square it with science

or can't reconcile the "angry God" of the Old Testament with the loving Father of the new,

Genesis creation with evolution.

Many different things, even small things, seem to get in the way of their understanding of the Bible and its application to their lives.

4. I recently read some blog posts on the subject of the Bible by a well known author and to be honest I thought they were, at best, confused and it infuriated me that such a popular writer and speaker could turn out such nonsense. Eek!
5. 20 years ago I was taught Biblical Studies by a young Anglican curate and I recently met him again for the first time and I thanked him. He was the one who gave me the vocabulary to articulate my understanding of the bible and the toolkit to study it.

6. The Bible is under attack. From atheists, from secular society, from other religions and cults and even from some Christians.

7. Finally
I've met many Christians and non-Christians who would like to know more but so often they can't seem to find the time.

My prayer is that these little blog posts may help and encourage them and anyone else willing to read them. 

So to begin with let’s just look at an obvious couple of verses from Paul’s second letter to Timothy.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

The single most important thing that we have to remember when we come to talk about the Bible, write about the Bible, read the Bible, study the Bible, or do anything else with it is this:

The Bible is God-breathed.

It’s inspired by God.
Breathed out by Him through the work of human authors.

It is not like any other book that was ever written or ever will be written. It is one of a kind


It is God’s word!

Well, if you got this far then well done. I would love to know what you think about the Bible or if you've got any questions. Please leave a comment. It's always encouraging to get feedback.


  1. Praises to the young Anglican Curate for giving you the tools to articulate God's Word so clearly, but with a God-given insight that makes it easy to understand. I look forward to learning more in your upcoming blogs.
    Thank you.

  2. "Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit" 2Peter 1:20-21
    In these last days, I think Paul and Peter would have found it pretty exciting to know that God's Word can reach out across the globe through well-written blogs
